Saturday, January 4, 2014


so this is the new year...
i learned so much about myself in 2013.
i can't wait to see where this year takes me.
i've never really thought about resolutions, 
mostly because i've come accustomed to the fact that they just don't stick.

this year i'm going to make a few, for the first time in my life.
so here goes, and you can all hold me accountable for these too. ;)

.be loving and kind to everyone i meet & know i am meeting them for a reason.
.be in the best shape of my life.
.dance & sing to more music in my house.
.know that i am powerful & beautiful.
.inspire others.
.be present to the present.
.get more things that shimmer. 
.keep learning.
.be joyful.
.love me for who i am in this moment.

well that was more than a few... the more the better right??
&& i think they all go together anyways. 

loving and kind, thats how i want to be known. everyone is on their own journey and somehow you become intertwined with it. why wouldn't you want them to have nothing but a positive and uplifting experience with you? thats my plan. 

bikini competition anyone? well thats only a sliver of being in the best shape of my life. i want to thank all of you that have supported me in this so far, just in the past week! it's really amazing the people i have met so far across the states even. i am breaking out of my comfort zone. finally right?!
i am realizing how different the fitness community is. everyone is so supportive and uplifting i can't help but to be happy and apply it in my everyday life.
something changes in you when you start working out everyday and really focusing on those workouts and the food that you are putting into your body. you suddenly have this power within you that you had no idea existed. it's honestly in your head, if you believe you are a certain way... well you probably are. :) i want to share this experience with everyone that i possibly can, i want everyone to feel the happiness that i feel with that realization. i am here to be an inspiration, i won't give up.

any suggestions for things that shimmer? i would love to fill my house with glitter and chandeliers but.. my husband won't allow that.. until we have a daughter that is. then its game on!! 
[which probably won't be for a few years] ;)

i've come to the realization that my house does not have enough music playing...
all growing up our house was filled with everything from bb king to chris issak.
but.. it was mostly shaking from the sound of my dad playing his guitar a bit too loudly.
i miss that. so i have chosen to bring it back to my house.
i do appreciate the silence, but i need the balance of both.

know that i am powerful and beautiful.
well... thats a hard one for me to wrap my head around. 
i'm getting there.
learn that.. and then i can inspire others to be that way as well.

i am however discovering the power of being present to the present. 
it's amazing what you can accomplish when you put aside your past and realize you are creating the right here and right now. i am so much more focused and i feel like i have a purpose to fulfill every second of everyday. i am so thankful for that knowledge.

keep learning!!! i always felt like you had to be in school to learn.
boy was i wrong.
every interaction is a learning opportunity. 
i'll leave you with that to think about for a minute.

love me for who i am in this moment... 
you only have this moment.
make it positive, or if you're sad make this moment sad, learn from it then let it go.
most importantly understand that it is a moment and it will soon be gone to the next moment.
again you are creating the right here and right now.

ok so... all of these lead back to being joyful.
that is the ultimate goal correct?
for me anyways.
you cannot find joy in other people, you must search for it in you.
when you become centered with yourself you can understand that you create joy for yourself.
thats when you realize anything is possible... 

those are just a few things i will be working on manifesting for myself this year.
what about all of you? i'd love to read all about them and help them become a reality this year.

oh! the only resolution i have heard from my husband is he doesn't want to drink alcohol this year.
ummm i'll let you know how long that lasts. :)

again i want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. it means so much that i have a place that i can be open and honest with the whole world and people actually read it. thank you!
