Friday, April 25, 2014


ok guys...
lets get one thing clear. i'm horrible at my post titles.
if you want to read it promise me you'll read it no matter what the title is. ;)

so one thing i wanted to talk about today that i feel has been very prevalent this week in everything i do is...
don't do things for you.
do it for the good of other people.
once i realized that i was here to help other people achieve happiness and self worth, everything else fell into place.
you can't do things for the money, or the recognition.
sure it's super nice... but as soon as you focus on that you lose what is really important.

one of my favorite quotes ever is from the Dalai Lama
"our prime purpose in this life is to help others. 
and if you can't help them at least don't hurt them."

i mean seriously. i wish i would have embraced that so long ago... but i believe i ran into it now for a reason. life is no longer about me. yes i have goals and absolutely i have dreams but i realized that i will not get there alone. i need as many loving and supportive people as possible and i will help everyone i can.

i always say "herbalife changed my soul."
it absolutely did. if i didn't choose to start the product and choose to build a relationship with my coach... i would still be stuck in the "how will i make as much money as i want to live a happy life" mindset. looking back, it was not even a tiny bit fun. i was MISERABLE. i couldn't figure out what i wanted to do with my life... you know why? i was focused on me, and the money.
now i wake up in the morning with a purpose, i start to think "who am i going to help today?" i LOVE that mindset. my life is so full of purpose now, i am present in every moment of everyday. that is absolutely a hard thing to learn and master.
now i'm not perfect. you know i have bad days, but then again it leads back to when i'm thinking about me and me alone.

its so crazy to think that just a few months ago i spent a weekend in this room full of people overcoming barriers and opening up my mind to possibility. i still think about it and it gives me chills. i will never forget the day that i went into our nutrition club and i felt the most broken and lost i have ever felt before. i looked at my coach and started crying, we spent some time talking and he said "you aren't broken, you are perfect for where you are right now." he invited me to some meeting that night... now of course the old me said ya i'll be there but in my head i knew that i wouldn't go... tanner pushed me to go and i also realized that there was a reason i was being pushed there. (keep in mind the past few months i was on and off different anti anxiety medications and anti depressants.) i seriously felt like something was wrong with me and i was just spiraling into this nothingness. that wasn't me.
so anyway tanner and i went to the meeting and i couldn't stop crying. somehow i knew that i was meant to be there.. i still felt crazy and broken.. but i felt like this might help me. i signed up for the landmark forum that night. it's something that i can't even explain. it changes your way of thinking. i'm finally happy and whole. i'm bawling just thinking about it right now. where would i be without it today? i don't even know.
it opened my eyes to the fact that i create everything and every experience in my life.
i choose how i feel. i know that seems so easy and i can tell people that over and over.. but you just don't fully get it until you are in this course for three whole days. let me tell you, it was an emotional roller coaster. it was worth every single second. i thank my coaches every chance i get for helping me get through the hardest time in my life. it means so much to me. i'm a different person and i love who i am being. i can truly say that.

that is why i do what i do and share what i share, in hopes that i can help you in any way possible.


Monday, April 14, 2014

it's been too long...

i've been meaning to post something for awhile... the truth is... i just haven't had time!

tanner and i recommitted to our nutrition plan. i have to be honest, we would cheat. i LOVE pizza. he LOVES mexican food. we just couldn't avoid it for a minute there...
but we are doing a 90 day challenge... no cheating. 100% clean eating and NO cheating.
i would post our meal plans... but i have to tell you they are pretty boring. besides our amazing shakes, we have chicken, rice and greens every other meal. woo!! haha. but one thing i have noticed, our grocery bill has DROPPED a ton. i mean like $150 worth. how is that even possible??
anyway, i love that tanner and i are on the same meal plan... it makes life about ten million times easier. i can prep all of our food in less than an hour. AMAZING! it makes me happy.
so i will be posting progress pictures for you all. :)

we went to los angeles a little bit ago for Herbalife stuff. which as usual was fabulous.
tanner was able to really get clear on why he is involved in herbalife. let me tell you, it is very inspiring. that man i tell you makes me more happy to be married to him everyday.
anyway... not only did we have an amazing training, we were able to do SO many fun things while we were there. if you know tanner and i well, we do not get to go on "vacation" like ever. so thanks to herbalife we were in california.
first we went and saw my cute friend, she took us to this INCREDIBLE bakery. i forgot what it was called, but it was so good! then we went to the hollywood sign, it was such a pretty view. one thing i learned, california is pretty... but i'm positive i could not live where there is that much traffic!!! goodness. i felt like our whole trip was in the dang car. ha. we just did so many fun things, a year ago i would have never done something out of the ordinary for me... but i was doing new things!!! i tried sushi... man was it delicious...
i took my shoes off, rolled up my pants and went splashing around in the ocean... the OCEAN!!! ah it was so fun...

i think one of the best parts is... i only had an almost panic attack one time. thats really impressive for me. ;) i was positive and happy the whole time, i didn't even fully realize it until now. i love it. i can't express how much my life has changed. i'm so thankful.

i also learned a really fantastic thing from one of the speakers... he talked about getting out of a "funk"
i loved to hear that even someone so successful and so happy still has those yucky moments.
you know what he said? recognize it... and as soon as you do... write a list of what you are grateful for. seriously. it helps. i know it sounds so simple.
you know what i did? i sent it to tanner in a text. i think that helped even more.
i just remembered where i am now and what i am building and becoming. when your head is on straight, everything goes better. :) (thanks andrea for the notes.)

one thing i have been thinking about lately too is how much i love my house.
tanner and i are avid house hunters. it gets pretty bad. we know one day we want a single family home, but we always seem to get caught up and want it in this exact moment!!
i was thinking today, we have only lived in our town home for about two years... three years in july. whoa.
but i was thinking, this house really can be everything we are looking for. i mean, its a big big house.
so rather than looking at other houses i'm going to look at ways to make our house a home finally. we need to finish the basement. we will finish our office and work on the nursery. ;) i think what i'm really super excited for is our patio. it'll be so nice. we take our location for granted for sure. i mean the hoa fees are pretty ridiculous, but we do get so many things from it. so i will start posting pictures of things we work on too!!!

lots of improving will be happening this year
and i CAN'T wait.
i used to be terrified of change.
now i'm so excited i can hardly stand it.

well.. thats pretty much what has been on my mind lately.

and of course how proud i am of all of my clients. i know i know i gush a lot about them.. but one last thing... i LOVE these ladies. i love talking to them and seeing a glimmer of hope in their eyes. that is the biggest thing i can give them.
ok wait... lets back up a bit. i love my men clients too. i had one of them thank me for everything. seriously... weight loss or even weight gain is a very emotional thing. i love that i can be so connected to these people at such a crucial time in their lives. its amazing what feeling good can do for you and your whole life. i really am thankful everyday for the people who have come to me and trusted me. you guys are inspiring. i want to be the best coach i can possibly be for you guys. :)

ok ok i'm done. ;)


Thursday, April 3, 2014

april goals.

last month was kind of a... fly by the seat of our pants month!

now that we are finally settling down and all the stress of the gym is figured out we can actually get on track!!!

goal number 1.

i absolutely have to get back to the gym.
i feel better when i do.
i'm happier and have a lot more drive to do things.
so that is my first priority for this month!
when you take time each day for yourself, everything else falls into place.

goal number 2.

support tanner on his own Herbalife journey.
he is doing super fantastic already, and i love that we are working towards the same thing as far as nutrition goes.

goal number 3.

set a number to hit in Herbalife and SMASH it. ;)
last month i don't even know what happened!
this month i will track everything, and we will have a financial goal to hit.
good news, i finally opened my business account so that will be a million times easier to track!

goal number 4.

get organized!
with everything.
sit down and go over bills with tanner once a week.
get back on a grocery and meal prep schedule.
catch up on cleaning.

goal number 5.

sundays, focus on just tanner.
no work (including Herbalife)
just us...
maybe even no phones if i can talk him into it!

those are my goals for the month.
now i know i talk ALOT about Herbalife and my business, i just hope that i am conveying the fact that it is such a huge part of my life because of the fact that it has changed my soul.
i know that sounds kinda crazy, but really it has.
i don't do it for the money.
i do it for the people.
the fact that i'll be able to stay home with my family is an absolutely huge dream of mine, and this is making it happen.
don't get me wrong, it is work.
you have to put in the time for sure... but it absolutely pays off.
last month tanner and i sold over $5000 worth of product.
to me that just shows how many peoples lives are better.
i also want everyone to know,
my clients change my life and help me grow every single day.
without them, i wouldn't have found my dream.

before Herbalife i was so lost, i was unsure about my direction in life. I knew i wanted to start a family soon, but i just couldn't see the possibility with tanner and i working so many hours and getting nowhere with debt. it's so upsetting to me to think back to just a few months ago, i would cry myself to sleep most nights because the only thing i knew for sure was i loved my husband and i wanted a family. i woke up most mornings and had to talk myself into being happy and ok and that we would figure things out.

because of Herbalife i now see the opportunity of financial freedom!!! that is HUGE to me. i can see us having a family, and me being able to do what i love. i was meant to be a mama. i just know that deep in my heart. i will be able to teach my kids to be happy and inspiring people and show them how important it is to enrich other peoples lives with your kindness. my heart is fluttering with happiness right now. it's overwhelming sometimes, but i can truly say that everything happens for a reason. if tanner wouldn't have opened up the gym we never would have found Heather & Aaron. if i never got a job with my dad i would still be lost and not sure about having a family. this past year has been everything from a struggle to a huge blessing. i wouldn't trade any second of it. i love every single person in my life, if we talk every day or once a year. you are important to me. your goals are important. your happiness is important. i want everyone to experience what a major change i have made in myself. i've never felt so alive and full of love. :)
