Monday, March 31, 2014

writing to write.

hello everyone.

so this past weekend was actually pretty fantastic. my husbands friend and his cute wife came to stay with us. they are too sweet. :) its been fun catching up with them.

saturday was a really good day.
i went to my herbalife meeting.
the biggest thing i took away from it is
"my dreams are non-negotiable"
i will do anything i need to do to get there.

i was able to catch up with one of my dear friends.
she has always been my inspiration.
she is so creative and so sweet.
its safe to say she is the kindest most genuine person i have ever met.
obviously i won't go into too much detail but she is going through a hard time at the moment.
it made me realize just how important she really is to me. even though we don't see each other or talk to each other every day she really is a sister to me.
when her heart aches, my heart aches.
i want nothing more than for her to be happy.
a few months ago i was the most flakey friend on the entire planet..
then i realized i want people to count on me.
i want people to know that i will ALWAYS be there when i say i'm going to.
its so important to me to motivate and support other people.
i've learned that you are in the perfect place right now because it is part of your story.
without it, who would you be?
everything happens to make us stronger better people.
i always talk about empowering women... which i really love to do.
women are SO powerful.
women are SO beautiful.
we can get through ANYTHING.

now with that said..
i couldn't be as strong as i am today without a couple of key men in my life.

my dad. he has always pushed me to challenge myself and be the best i can be.
i've learned so much from him over the years.

my husband. he is everything i ever could have wanted in a husband. he supports me with everything that i do.. you all know that. but he doesn't ever give up on me. i do have to say that lately i have been coaching him to be better as far as our dreams and goals go, which is totally different than how it used to be! i love that he is way more open to it then i was when he was coaching me! ha.
he finally got started on his herbalife program about three days ago. he is being consistent!!! woo hoo. he was telling me yesterday how happy he was... and this was the first sunday in i don't know how long that we didn't take a nap!!! that made me sooooo happy. sundays are our only days together, and the fact that we were awake for all of it was AMAZING. he's had even more drive and focus the past few days. i have my husband back. :) i'm loving it.

so a little side track here...
i'm on Facebook connecting with new people.

i can't tell you how many women just want to be happy and love their body.
i can't tell you how important it is to me to have a happy loving relationship with the mirror. that alone is empowering!!!
i want to share this feeling with every woman that i possibly can.
we need to change the image of "perfect" in our head.
please if you struggle at all... let me help you! let me show you how to love your body.
you are all INCREDIBLE.


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