Friday, February 28, 2014

one thing you should know...

... I change my mind. A lot.
Ask anyone! 

I get really excited about something one minute, then my brain catches up and says "wait silly, let's think about this"
As you know, my ultimate goal is to be home with my kids when we have kids.
Uhhh if I'm in a salon building a clientele all day, I sure won't be at home with my kids.
So first off... I LOVE being a health coach. It's my new favorite thing. I love sharing what I have found makes me happy with other people. If I can change one persons life, I'm so incredibly happy.
I'm so thankful for a company that allows me to do that!! && I can work from home. It's amazing!!! So hello morgan... If you already love this, why are you trying to find other things?? I guess I like a challenge. Doing hair again would absolutely be a challenge for me! In school I wanted to quit all the time. I hated it, I'll tell you one thing I loved though. Esthetics! I loved facials and waxing. So again, I can build a little spa in my basement and be home with my kids.. Oh and... I can use my amazing herbalife skin products. :) woot woot!
I do want to learn eyelash and hair extensions. So I will put that on my list.
But guys... I have to tell you...
I'm so lucky to have a husband that supports me with absolutely every decision I make. He knows how important it is for me to be happy with what I do. I love that we have the same goals. I love that no matter how crazy I am he will always be there to support me.
We were talking a lot last night, and...
We are going to start trying for a baby soon!!! WHAT?!? 
I'm so excited I couldn't even sleep all night, mostly because I can't wait to see how great of a father tanner will be.
Do I know how we are going to make it all work? Nope! But we can figure it out. We have an amazing supportive family that will be there for us to help. I never thought i would be this excited to try for a tiny human. Don't worry... I won't change my mind about this one. ;) 
I'm speechless... Like really we are going to start a whole new chapter of our lives, tanner and I have been together for just about 5 years now. I'd say if there was a time to be ready, it would be now. My heart is EXPLODING with happiness. :)

In the meantime I'm going to work on finishing my office space upstairs... It's going to look like this...
Cute huh?? Ah I have so many exciting things to do... Better get this day started!!! 
Have an awesome Friday. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

grown up??

so as some of you know i have been at home in bed for the past two days.
let me tell you. it is rough stuff ha.
if i wasn't feeling like death it would be ok.
but i am...
so it sucks.

the good news though? 
i can think about everything that i want to accomplish and what i need to do.
i'm organizing my thoughts i guess!

and this is where it gets personal... i'm warning you. ;)

since i was younger i have had issues with ovarian cysts. 
i know its a pretty common thing, but when one of those bad boys ruptures...
i'm stuck trying not to cry or cut myself open to rip out my stupid ovaries haha.
i finally got into the doctor today.
i haven't been to an actual ob/gyn in like three years, i would just go to my little clinic for check ups.
don't do that... just always find a good doctor.
anyways we talked about all of my health issues as of late and he said i basically have endometriosis.
i'm shocked... not.
my family has a long history of fun female problems ha.
so basically i've been on birth control for like ever to help my girl stuff.
it hasn't worked.
well he said i could have the surgery to see if i for sure have endometriosis, to that i said 
"and if i do what are the treatments?"
he said
"birth control which you have been on, or you can try getting pregnant!"
the voice in my head said "oh our family would love that!"
i laughed and said "well we will get there when we get there!"
for the meantime he gave me this prescription that is made specifically to help cramping and endometriosis like symptoms. 
so we will see if that works!

i've been secretly wanting a baby for a while now.
it's not a secret anymore!

but here is my thing. 
i feel like tanner and i are so young and we still have so much to figure out...
how do we know when we are ready??
do we know??
if we keep waiting will we be waiting the rest of our lives??
honestly money is tight right now (personal again sorry)
we are working towards finding what works for us financially!
right now tanner is trying to figure out his three jobs,
and i want to start hair again, work part time with my dad and continue being a wellness coach!
can we do everything?
i watched my parents, and they sure figured it out.
but man growing up scares me!!!
i thought i would feel like an adult when we signed papers for our first house,
nope! i did feel grown up... but not anything crazy!

then i started thinking seriously about being a mama.
if that doesn't make you feel grown up i don't know what does!
i'm not scared of being a mom at all. 
i am terrified of being pregnant though!
the whole thing is scary.
i used to be a very anxious person, don't get me wrong i still worry a lot! 
so i just get so scared thinking about waiting for my baby to come out and it overwhelms me haha.

i just want some opinions from you mamas and soon to be mamas.
how do you make it work?
i'm most worried about the financial part!
any and all advice is appreciated. 

thank you guys again for reading and showing interest.
it means the WORLD to me.


Saturday, February 22, 2014


thanks for stopping by, as usual.  :)

this week i have done A LOT of reflecting.
on my marriage, on our work choices, on our goals.
&& lets just say we have some learning to do.

like i said, i'm just now figuring out who i am and what i want.
i realized today, that 17 year old me knew what i ultimately wanted when i decided to go to hair school.
i always knew that when i had kids i wanted to be home with them as much as i could!
i've always been creative and artistic.
i've always loved making people happy.
&& more recently i've discovered i love making women feel like they are beautiful.

i started talking to one of my moms cute hairdresser friends, she recently got on herbalife and we have been talking a lot. she inspired me to try doing hair again. 
when i first got out of hair school, about 4 years ago, i threw myself into a salon. 
i didn't know what i was doing.
i didn't have all of the product i needed.
doing hair gave me crazy anxiety.
i didn't have the patience to sit and wait for people to come in.
so i lasted a whole 2 weeks. woo!!!

i firmly believe that everything leads you to something else for a reason. 
i decided to put off my master esthetics schooling in order to work at Peerless Beauty Supply.
i did not love working retail... but i loved that job. 
i learned more there than i ever did in school. 
all day long i did color correction for other stylists.
i loved the product. 
i can sell hair product all day... it is amazing stuff. ;)

then i got this amazing job with my dad.
it has taught me so many things.
i'm loving learning the way kids develop, but not only that i love learning about behavior and what motivates us to do what we do every single second of everyday. 
it taught me that i really LOVE kids. 
i really want kids of my own. 
it also has given me a newfound appreciation for every mom out there. 
you guys are SUPER HEROS.

HERBALIFE changed my life. 
you all know that by now. 
i have learned how to coach people and truly care about them and their goals.
i am learning how to build my own business.
personal development is a huge thing with them... and ask my husband... i was always against it and thought it was silly.
i've learned to live in the moment.
i still have goals and dreams, but i am enjoying every second of my life now.
i'm no longer depressed or anxious.
i have a new found confidence, i never knew what that felt like.
i have my support system to thank for that.
i finally know how to open up.. and let people in.
i'm a positive person.
building new relationships make me happy!

i believe all of this has led me to figure out what i really want in life.
i will be home with my kids as much as possible.
i will contribute to our household finances pretty significantly.
i will make my own schedule and build new relationships.
i will use my creativity every day.
i will use my product knowledge and further my education.
i will empower women, not only make them feel beautiful.. but be the one to make them even more beautiful.
i'm SO excited about this new adventure that i will be starting.
i know so much now.
i have so many people to thank that have led me to where i am now.
you all are so amazing.

so now off to start looking into product lines. woot woot!!!

love you all.

p.s check out
she is one of my dear friends... i know i have mentioned her before... but if you haven't listened to her yet please do!!! :)

Monday, February 17, 2014


so. tanner and i have been married for almost 4 years.

we've been lucky.
we don't fight, like ever.

except like once a year.
 & even then it isn't really a fight..
we don't yell or scream.
we talk calmly about how we are feeling.
like i said i'm lucky.
tanner and i are very respectful of one another and our opinions.
if we disagree on some political issue or other we at least say ok i can see where you are coming from, but i don't agree and thats totally ok.

other times it is a "babe you really hurt me by doing blah blah blah" discussions.
we had one of those on saturday night.
i won't go into details.
but i will say i love that we can talk and talk and talk until we both feel better.

 tanner is still getting used to the person i have become in the past few months.
if he was going to a friends house and wanted me to meet him there i would have absolutely said no... six months ago. 
i'm still getting used to who i am!
i used to shut down when i got hurt, rather than talk about it i would cry myself to sleep and be mad the whole next day because he didn't pick up on me being upset.
ugh. that wasn't fun.
i finally figured out... hey genius he isn't a mind reader! if you don't tell him how you feel it won't ever change. sheesh. easy right? well i didn't figure that out right away. sometimes it is harder than you expect, but easier in the long run.

being married is so amazing... and so different.
i love being able to grow and pursue my dreams.
i know tanner will always have my back and push me to what makes me happy.
i love that our goals are the same on the important things.
i love who we make each other.
i love that we can talk.
we have great communication. 
really i think that is what makes a marriage so great.
he is absolutely my best friend, i can tell him everything and anything...
and he will still be there in the morning.

a few of you know what is happening in our personal life with the gym and not being able to spend time together, and finances. ya know the usual grown up stuff..
i didn't realize how much we take out on each other. and thats soooo not fair.

anyways... my point is always be open and honest with your husband or wife.
realize that what stresses you out, stresses them out too.
know that you need to lift them up and trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
don't keep saying one day or someday...
someday is now.
that is all we have.
appreciate every single moment in the moment with your love.

that is all for now... 


oh p.s tanner isn't sticking to his new years resolution. ;)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

who cares?!

hi again!!!

so here is what i discovered today.

1. i LOVE talking. 

2. i LOVE writing.

3. i am SUPER busy and i LOVE it.

4. i am EXCITED about well.. everything.

you already know how much i love the people in my life.
well i also love the relationships i have been able to build and rekindle throughout the past 6 months or so. here is the thing, i just decided i was SICK of hiding. i was hiding everything, i didn't have a voice! i wasn't being authentic with the people in my life. i felt like everyone would judge me... and i realized... WHO CARES?! no matter what you do people are going to judge you. i'm totally ok with it.. because really i want to be happy!!! so do what makes you happy!!
i am happy when i am able to share with other people what i have been learning about myself and my views on the world.  you know what is great? you can take it or leave it. i'm TOTALLY ok with that, and i will LOVE you for who you are anyways.

one of my cute friends said she loves how positive i always am. i do absolutely try to be positive 98% of the time. i used to be a complainer... and man was that a DRAG! ha. 
but i also think that all of us are 100% human and we will have our down days. 
thats totally ok too... so i want you guys to see some of my not so positive days also, i will be sure to write about them. if you don't like it, too bad so sad. ;)

ok... so let's be honest. i have a lot on my plate at the moment.
a lot of GOOD things. i have my job working with kids, they are amazing and seriously so sweet. its challenging don't get me wrong. that is absolutely what i needed in a job in order to be fulfilled. some days it isn't all coloring hello kitty and rainbows! i have really hard days, where they can scream in my face for up to 45 minutes. you know what? it is ok, i get through it and it is a teaching opportunity. i'm extremely thankful for this job everyday. as hard and mentally draining as it is, knowing that i am CHANGING these families lives is totally worth every minute.
i also started selling herbalife more. i am loving coaching adults. so far all of my clients are women. i LOVE empowering them to be the super heroes that they are. these women are so strong and amazing, they don't even realize it yet. i love seeing their results. not just the weight loss, but the growth as a person. there is something about empowering women that makes me SO happy. i have only just discovered for myself what is possible when you have a positive body image. 

not so exciting stuff... uhhh.
my husbands gym. i won't say too much here. but it is absolutely a struggle not having him home as much as i would like. then again, what is enough? i don't think i could ever have enough time with him. he always tells me that his clients say he needs to buy me things for valentines day or my birthday or christmas... really... gifts are nice. the thing i won't forget or won't end up in the trash though? TIME. that is the best gift anyone can give. i think we forget how valuable each one of us is! i'm loving more and more spending time with people.. if you are close to me you know that is not how i was the past few years!!! it is amazing when you realize how important people are, and how much you can learn from the people in your life. 

you know... i am excited about so many things.

i can see my future and the possibility of having everything i ever DREAMED of.
 i am changing the way i think in the morning when i wake up. instead of sleeping and having nightmares (which is mostly what it's been lately) i need to get up and make my real life happy dreams real life!!! i'm just so happy to finally be LIVING my life. loving who i am, and looking at every moment as a new opportunity.

i challenge you guys to take this on...
no matter what you were thinking the last moment, it's in the past.
your next thought or action can be whatever you want it to be. 
i love having that feeling of control.
choose to be joyful.
choose to be healthy.

when you are working towards a goal and you get off track for a day, a month or years just know that it is ok. i personally think the worst thing that you can do is feel guilty.
i've been there... done that.
realize that feeling, don't let it define you.
just know that you can choose to change.
you can be anything you want.
you can have anything you want.

and with that... i'm going to spend time with my cute husband that just got home.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

my support system.. some of it anyways.

it's been awhile...
that's usually what happens when i start a new blog, i average like 2 posts and then forget about it.

this one will be different i decided. :)

so lets see...

i just have to share how thankful i am that i have an incredible family.

this week i had quite the meltdown.
well... and last week too.
stress gets to you.

i can't imagine getting through life without them.
my dad has been where i am with my job before and i'm so thankful that i can talk to him about it and get advice. i love my kids, too much sometimes. i want to fix everything and i forget that i am there to teach them to my best ability. it is really amazing to be a huge part of their little lives, and i forget how much of an impact i make on them. i am so grateful for the opportunity to learn so much about behavior analysis and how kids develop. it is truly INCREDIBLE.
so thank you dad for being there when i'm having a tough week and thinking i can't possibly do it anymore.

my mum... she is my biggest supporter.
 i can come to her with the craziest of ideas and she says "yes thats a great idea!"
i love that i can call her my best friend. i talk to her everyday about everything. she seems to always know what to say.. even when i'm complaining for days straight!! i love how much she has grown in the past year, its amazing to see her with all of these new hobbies like photography and reading.
she has more time now with us kids out of the house, and i love it.
i can only hope that when i have kids i am half as good a mum as she is to me.

my in-laws...
well lets just say we have had our share of ups and downs. :)
but now i can honestly say that i love my in laws and i got lucky with them!
i love the relationship i have been able to build with them, they are so loving and supporting.
i had a long talk with tori on sunday, and i loved it. she has grown into an amazing, strong woman. i'm so proud to call her my sister.
my mother in law still makes me laugh.. she thinks tattoos will make me ugly.
and i still love her. i promise i will always be pretty, and i finally love my body. also she is DYING for grandkids. and its adorable.. i think tori should be first. ;) i love thinking of her as a grandma i know she will be great and absolutely spoil them, your time will come soon michelle. and it'll all be worth the wait!

its so crazy to think how much my little family life has grown.

my little brother has the cutest daughter ever... i'm in love with her... actually i think i need to see her... hold on while i arrange a play date.

ok. what else can i catch you up on??

i have no money... what else is new for everyone right?
but you know what?!
i have my family...
all of those people i mentioned && more.

my husband, you all know how i feel about him.
he works his ass off to make sure we still have our beautiful town home to live in tomorrow.
and he... he is so supportive of my crazy ideas too!!
they change everyday. one day i want to be a teacher (which i found out today is not true) one day i want to be a mum, one day i want to go to school, one day i want to do a fitness competition, the next day i have no idea what i'm doing with my life...
but he is ALWAYS there. always supporting what he thinks makes me happy. i cannot thank him enough for that!!!

thank you all so much for reading, i love having a space that i can just write how i'm feeling.
